
Romans 14:9-19

The Judgment Seat Of Christ

Romans 14:9-19


  • The Apostle Paul poses a question to christians...Why do you judge other christians? He reasons that we should know that we will ALL stand before Jesus at the judgment seat of Christ. It's INCLUSIVE Of All, and this includes the other judgment we learned about last week, The Great White Throne Judgment. So that's it, All human beings ever born will be judged by God. The difference is for christians, we'll be judged for what we've done for Jesus after we've been saved. We'll receive crowns we can lay at Christ's feet or we'll lose crowns but we cannot lose our salvation. We should want to honor Christ with our works! Some imagine that if they don't believe the gospel that it doesn't apply to them! God's Bible destroys that notion with two verses. (Romans 3:3-4)


  • The Bible shows us clearly that our judgment will be a face-to-face with God without anyone else there. We'll be there alone. We'll be required to give God an account for our life that God has given us. It will be a day of joy for those who gain crowns, a day of remorse for us who have lost our crowns by straying from God and doing nothing for him. If you're saved, you should be busy telling others about what Jesus has done for you. Have you forgotten his commandments? We should be reading the Bible, attending church regularly, praying for others and keeping God in our focus on a daily basis! The Bible tells us that we will ALL bow to Christ at the judgment, but God wants us to do it now, while we live, crying out for mercy and forgiveness of our sins.


  • God doesn't save us so that we can do whatever we want. He saves us to serve him and he commands us to be INTERESTED in others! We are to testify to everyone we know about the most important thing anyone could ever do...bowing our knee to God admitting our sin and crying out for his wonderful saving grace. It's called being "Born Again" in the Bible. A new birth in spirit the moment we bow to Jesus thanking him for dying on the cross to pay our sin debt. If we refuse to tell this to others, we'll lose any crowns we could win for Christ.


  • When we have been saved, we are called to "good works" in putting others ahead of yourself. When we are saved, we put God first in all things and His will for our lives is to be INVOLVED in service to him. Don't think you'll escape judgment when we see Jesus in Heaven if you refuse to serve him down here, reaching out to family members in love to come to Jesus for what you've already received! We should be happy to witness to others about Jesus. Wouldn't you tell someone about a wonderful person who saved you from an accident? We need to remember always the suffering Jesus did for us because he loves us so much!