
Revelation 20:11-15

The Great White Throne Judgment

Revelation 20:11-15

PERSON On The Throne

  • Revelation 20:12 shows us that God himself sits on the Throne of White Judgment. It's clear from many other scriptures that this is the second person of the trinity, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God! John 5:22; 27 shows us Jesus will judge all of mankind because his Father delegated this awesome duty to him. This Judge can't be swayed in his judgment, He is "no respecter of persons" and never varies against the law God's given. Every person ever born will be judged, but...

PEOPLE Being Judged

  • Only sinners who have not been born again will stand before Jesus at this awesome last Judgment of sinners. There is a second "judgment" that comes before the Great White Throne Judgment and Pastor will address that event next Sunday. For now, Pastor directs our attention to the massive multitudes of PEOPLE Being Judged at the White Throne. If you find yourself with a date in this courtroom, you'll find this is the worst thing you could possibly imagine. God is all knowing and actually, this is the pronouncement of...

PROOF Of Guilt

  • There is no finding innocence in this courtroom, it's a courtroom of sentencing with no chance of appeals of any kind. God will present all of the evidence of your sin, nothing is kept secret. If you're here, you are doomed for eternity in the lake of fire. You can try to protest with your excuses of why you didn't except his gracious offer of salvation, but God will not hear it! He will say: "Depart from me, I never knew you".

PERPETUAL Consequences

  • We don't want ANYONE we know to face this kind of judgment, it's beyond a "life sentence" or even the "death penalty" it's an ETERNITY of torment in the Lake of Fire. Physical death is only the beginning of eternity. When God breathed life into us, we became eternal souls and if we have not joined the family of God, there is no other alternative but being joined with satan and his rebel angels in this awful lake of fire. Don't let that happen to you!