
Ecclesiastes 11:9-10, Amos 4:12-13

Announcement of Judgment to Come

1: To Affect the Way We Live Our Lives

God's warnings of judgment are meant to influence our behavior. We should strive to be distinct from the world, living as witnesses of our faith. God hates sin and expects us to avoid it. The consequences of sin are real and unavoidable. True Christians should not seek a God who overlooks their sin.

2: To Affect the Way We Lead Others

As born-again believers, we have responsibilities to others, especially our children. Leading by example is crucial for guiding others toward righteousness. God desires for us and our children to live holy lives.

3: To Give Us Joy and Laughter

Obeying God brings blessings of happiness and peace. Joy and laughter can be powerful testimonies to others. Our positive attitudes can open doors for sharing the gospel. Believers can find joy in knowing they will escape eternal judgment.