
Rev. 20:11-15; I Cor. 3:11-15

Criteria Used On Judgment Day III

1. The Record Book of Saint's Outreach

  • Pastor Rains discusses the importance of outreach in the Christian life.
  • Emphasis on the biblical command to win souls for Christ.
  • Encouragement to share the gospel with unsaved family members.
  • Reminder that only the Holy Spirit can bring about salvation.
  • Warning about the eternal separation between the saved and the unsaved.

2. The Record Book of Our Sayings

  • God will judge us based on the words we speak.
  • Emphasis on the accountability for both spoken and unspoken thoughts.
  • Reminder to respond to the Holy Spirit's call for salvation.

3. The Record Book of Our Secrets

  • God will judge us for the secrets we keep.
  • Advice to keep certain secrets to protect loved ones.
  • Assurance that God will forgive even the most hidden sins.