
Rev. 20:11-15; I Cor. 11-15

Criteria Used On Judgment Day II

Scripture References:

  • Revelation 20:11-15
  • 1 Corinthians 3:11-15

The Record Book Of Service

  • God's standards for judgment:
    • The Great White Throne Judgment described in Revelation - the final judgment for the guilty, leading to the lake of fire.
    • The "Bema Seat of Christ" judgment for born-again Christians, as described by the Apostle Paul.
  • The Role of the "Record Book Of Service":
    • The "Book of Life" guarantees entry into Heaven for believers.
    • The "Record Book Of Service" holds Christians accountable for their good or bad works after salvation.
    • Many churches neglect teaching this doctrine, focusing only on the mercy of God.
    • Christians must remember their responsibility to perform good works as commanded by Christ.
  • Reflection:
    • Christians are encouraged to take notes on the expectations Jesus has for His followers.
    • Salvation is assured, but the lack of works done for Christ out of love is a missed opportunity.