
Acts 17:30-31

"The Fact Of Judgment Day"

Judgment Day Is Coming

  • Definition of "fact"
  • God's Judgment is a fact because:
    • God never lies
    • All of His prophecies so far have been true
  • Evidence from the Bible:
    • The Bible establishes God's perfect wisdom
    • Paul's preaching at Mars Hill (Acts 17:30-31)
    • Warning to all people to repent
  • Future judgment for those who reject God's Son
  • Judgment for born-again Christians:
    • Not for salvation, but for works after being born again
    • Importance of conducting our lives righteously

Illustrated By Sample

  • Examples from the Bible:
    • Angels judged for rebelling with Lucifer
    • The old world judged during Noah's time:
      • Noah's family saved from the flood
      • Worldwide flood as punishment for rebels
    • Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed for defiance and blasphemies against God

Taught By Our Senses

  • Natural sense of judgment:
    • Everyone knows the cost of sin
    • Senses indicate a coming judgment day
  • Salvation from judgment:
    • Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ
    • Jesus paid our sin debt at the cross