
Luke 16:19-31

The Rich Man In Hell

Luke 16:19-31

The Horror Of People In Hell

  • This is one of the most avoided passages of Jesus in most churches today. It's without a doubt a horrible scene that is clearly not allegorical. This is the literal account of a real rich man who did not trust God for his salvation who woke up in Hell after dying. To the human mind, this seems far too cruel for a loving God who died on the cross so that ALL could be welcomed into Heaven. We find in scriptures a perfectly balanced God of love and mercy and also a God of judgment who means exactly what he inspired the prophets to write. This same message is brought by the Son of God as well. Jesus doesn't sugarcoat God's judgment of unforgiven sin in human beings. The rich man clearly can see, hear, feel and taste in this horrible place of literal torment! His senses are all working and He cries out to a vision of Abraham and the beggar in a bright, happy place of comfort and love called "Paradise". He pleads with Abraham to have Lazarus bring him some water to cool his tongue. Abraham tells him that this is not possible. Abraham reminds him that in his lifetime, Lazarus didn't enjoy the blessings the rich man experienced. A "great gulf is fixed" and although he can see it , he can't reach it. This means that the rich man will remember for eternity all the good things that this world offers, but...

The Hopelessness Of People In Hell

  • The rich man finds out that there is no possible way to escape this never ending torment and punishment for not seeking God's forgiveness for sin. Can you imagine dying and then finding yourself in this same place? Oh, my...what a terrible nightmare that will never end. the Bible tells us that it's for eternity. Just as those who are saved and washed clean of sin by God's great mercy and people surrendering to his will for their salvation will have an eternity of joy, love and contentment, but those who reject God will be punished forever.

The Heart's Desire Of People In Hell

  • In desperation of loving his brothers the rich man realizes that his future is fixed in hell, he begs Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers to avoid this awful place. Abraham tells him that's not possible either. He instead points to the Bible and preachers here and now to warn them. Pastor ends this message with tears in his eyes, wanting and praying that everyone would understand the ways of God that we can't possibly understand. However, we better trust that what the Bible and his chosen preachers are saying is true. God doesn't want anyone to go to that place and he gives us a clear choice...believe and trust in what his only begotten son did on the cross to pay our sin debt and be washed clean in his shed blood. To the human mind this is insanity. But all that have been saved will tell you, it's TRUE. You must have faith that the record of Jesus coming in the flesh to save us from our sins isn't a myth, but a totally verified account of God's other side...His love for all of us.