
Isaiah 5:14; 14:9, Luke 16:19-31

Is There Really A Hell?

Isaiah 5:14; 14:9 & Luke 16:19-31


  • Pastor begins the sermon with proof from both Testaments that Hell is a real place that those who refuse God's forgiveness for sins will go when they die. This is a brutal reality that we can't imagine, but we know God's Holy Bible has no lies in it. God is perfect in his judgment and no matter how much anyone examines the Bible, we find Hell awaiting those who rebel against the creator. Some would say that Jesus is much more positive and not like the God of the Old Testament. Pastor reads the account of the Lazarus and the beggar in Luke chapter 16. Christ says it's a place of eternal torment with no way to escape! The rich man experiences this torment and begs Abraham to send someone to warn his family about coming to this place. Jesus spoke more of Hell than of Heaven! A Shocking wake up call for all of us.

The ABYSS Of Hell

  • A list of verses about hell are given by the Pastor. It is apparent in the scriptures that Hell's temporary place is in the molten center of the earth. It's called the bottomless pit for good reason. There is no top or bottom and this ABYSS only has sides. We can't even imagine how bad it is in this place and in reality, God prepared this place for Satan and his fallen, rebel angels. He didn't intend for human beings to go there, but our rebellion against God is similar to Lucifer! Our fallen human nature doesn't like to be told what to do. We want to be our own god. This is blasphemy!

Hell Is AFTER This Earthly Life

  • Some say "We are living in hell right now", pointing to all the terrible things happening in this world. God's word says this is foolish. There are even many "denominations" of churches that reject the Bible on the reality of Hell. They misinterpret all the accounts of Hell and claim it's symbolic and not literal. God's Bible states clearly that Hell comes for all that are going there AFTER their Earthly life ends.


  • One of the scariest doctrines of the Bible are that in Hell, mankind continues to have all of his senses that he has while he was alive. Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting & Feeling Pain. They will grieve and cry out while remember their life and regret that they didn't respond to God's numerous calls to be saved.


  • Finally, we see from scripture that Hell will be cast into the eternal lake of fire that will burn forever more. No relief, no medicine to reduce the pain, and weeping and "gnashing" of teeth knowing this punishment is forever. The GOOD NEWS is don't have to go there. GOD LOVES YOU! You CAN say yes to God, believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the bloody cross and was buried and raised again after three days to secure your pardon for sin! When you do this you're saved and you'll tell others how gracious God was to save you!