
Revelation 22:10-17


"An Angel Visits John"

Judgement Day Is Coming

  • In the last chapter of Revelation, we find the Angel of the Lord visiting the Apostle John while he was exiled on the isle of Patmos.
  • It's revealed to John a Judgement is coming, for God's children and for those who are not saved.
  • The Great Tribulation on the earth isn't the only place turmoil and warfare is taking place. It's a spiritual battle between angels aligned with God and the wicked angels who have aligned themselves to Satan!
  • In Revelation 22:12, we find Jesus speaking of "rewards" for all mankind, some very good, and some very, very bad! It's according to the works everyone has done.
    • If you're saved, you'll be granted a great reward, eternal life in Heaven.
    • For those who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and have not been saved, it's a terrible, beyond comprehension, so-called "reward" of eternal torment away from God in the lake of fire!
  • This judgement also includes Christians who have trusted Jesus and are on their way to Heaven. We'll stand before Jesus giving Him an account of our lives, and we instinctively know we are only pardoned by the grace of Jesus.
  • Jesus will show us all the things we've done wrong since we've been saved. Many tears will fall that day.

Unchangeable Condition

  • Revelation 22:11 shows us clearly that the moment of our death seals our fate. If we have not trusted Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we have no chance whatsoever to be redeemed. We're locked into an Unchangeable Condition forevermore.
  • We know that God loves ALL, but He only gives us one lifetime here on earth to come to Christ.
  • If there is not a time when you've surrendered to Jesus and cried out for salvation, you'll find yourself nowhere near heaven and damned for eternity.
  • This seems harsh to our flesh, but God has clearly warned us in His Bible about the consequences of rejecting His graceful offer of eternal life.

Come To Christ Today

  • There IS HOPE, however... Revelation 22:17 states: "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."
  • If you are still alive, you DO HAVE A CHANCE to Come To Christ Today! Why would you refuse to believe and accept the most wonderful gift we could ever receive?
  • "A Gift rejected is a Gift not received!" Please pray about this, don't let today pass by without crying out for the salvation Jesus promises to give if you repent and ask for.