
Judges 6:17-27


Welcome back to our "Biblical Encounters With Angels" series. Today, Pastor Bill Rains dives deeper into Judges 6 with a powerful message titled "Gideon's Gift to An Angel."

I. God Grants Assurances Of His Presence (Judges 6:17-21)

Following the Angel's promise of victory, Gideon seeks confirmation. He asks for a sign, demonstrating his human desire for assurance.

  • Seeking Confirmation: Explore the significance of Gideon's request and God's gracious response.
  • Offering as Assurance: Understand the symbolic meaning of Gideon's "present" and its connection to seeking God's confirmation.

II. God Accepts Our Gifts (Judges 6:19-21)

Gideon offers a goat, broth, and unleavened cakes, representing a sacrifice to God.

  • The Gift of Sacrifice: Discuss the nature of Gideon's offering and its significance as an act of worship.
  • God's Acceptance and Miracle: Explain how God accepts the offering and performs a miraculous act, confirming His presence.

III. God Alters The Course Of Our Lives (Judges 6:22-27)

Realizing the Angel's true identity, Gideon fears for his life. God reassures him and alters the course of his life.

  • Facing God's Presence: Explore Gideon's reaction and God's reassurance.
  • Obedience and Transformation: Explain how God commands Gideon to build an altar and destroy false idols, demonstrating His power and altering Gideon's life.


This story offers valuable lessons for our own lives:

  • Seek God's Assurance: Encourage actively seeking God's guidance and confirmation in your daily life.
  • Worship the True God: Emphasize the importance of worshipping the one true God and rejecting false idols.
  • Obey God's Commands: Highlight the importance of obedience to God's will, even when challenging.
  • Faithfulness and Support: Encourage living faithfully to God and supporting Israel according to God's will.
  • Sharing the Gospel: Remind everyone of the call to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.