The passage in John 13 and 14 presents a crucial moment in Jesus' ministry, taking place in the upper room after supper just days before His crucifixion. In this outline, we will focus on the key points in these chapters.
John 13:36-37
- Jesus washes the disciples' feet, except one who will betray Him.
- He reveals that someone among the twelve will betray Him.
- The disciples become concerned and inquire about the betrayer's identity.
- Jesus foretells Peter's denial.
John 14:1-2
- Jesus continues speaking to the twelve after Judas's departure.
- He encourages them not to be troubled and to believe in Him and God.
- Jesus mentions His Father's house having many mansions.
- He clarifies that He is going to prepare a place for them, not to build physical mansions.
The Purpose of His Going
- The purpose of Jesus' going is not to construct physical mansions but to provide salvation through His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.
The Promise of His Going
- Jesus promises that He will come again to receive believers unto Himself.
- This is the original prophecy of the "Rapture of the Church," assuring believers of never being apart from Jesus in Heaven.
- Some reject this promise, but true believers find comfort in the fulfillment of prophesies throughout the Bible.
The Peace of His Going
- Jesus declares Himself as the exclusive way to the Father, offering comfort and peace in knowing that He is the door to salvation for all who believe.