
II Kings 4:8-17

A Great Woman

Preacher: Pastor Rains

Scripture: II Kings 4:8-17

SPIRITUAL Discernment

  • Pastor Rains quotes II Kings 4:8-17.
  • The prophet Elisha was passing through Shunem where a "great woman" lived.
  • She wanted to serve God and desired the influence of Elisha around her family.
  • She demonstrated SPIRITUAL Discernment by acknowledging the spirit that animated Elisha.
  • She "constrained him to eat bread" to participate in his ministry.
  • She witnessed to her husband: "I perceive that this is an holy man of God."

SUBMISSIVE Disposition

  • She influenced her husband to add a small addition to their home for Elisha.
  • She wisely included her husband by saying, "Let us, I pray thee" make this addition for the prophet.
  • She outfitted the small space with a bed, table, stool, and candlestick.
  • Elisha approved and took advantage of their hospitality the next time he came through.

SERIOUS About The Things Of God

  • Elisha summoned her to discuss what he might do for her because of their caring behavior.
  • He offered to have the king appoint important duties for her with a possible increase in pay.
  • Elisha's servant revealed that she was older and barren, and Elisha promised her a son.
  • She was deeply affected and said, "Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid."
  • God made sure Elisha was right, and she bore a son.

SENSIBLE In Her Lifestyle

  • She wasn't interested in a better job elsewhere, content to serve her family and Elisha when he visited.
  • She answered Elisha, "I dwell among my own people."
  • She wanted to influence her family and friends with her godly attitude.
  • She served God locally and focused on her family's spiritual well-being.


  • Later, her son injured his head and died.
  • She cried out for someone to summon Elisha for his prayers.
  • Elisha sent a message asking, "Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child?"
  • She told the messenger, "It is well."
  • She trusted God and his prophet that her son would be healed.
  • Elisha prayed over the boy, and he came back to life (II Kings 4:32-37).