
Matthew 21:1-11

I. SOMETHING To Be Excited About (Matthew 21:1-7)

The fulfillment of a prophecy brings excitement and hope.

  • Fulfilling Prophecy: Discuss the fulfillment of Zechariah's prophecy regarding Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.
  • Contrasting Expectations: Explain the difference between the expected warrior king and Jesus, the humble servant.
  • Our Excitement: Highlight the significance of this event and its connection to Jesus' second coming.
  • End Times and the Church: Briefly mention the end times based on biblical prophecies and the rapture of the Church.

II. SERVICE That's Eternal (Matthew 21:8-11)

Our purpose goes beyond the temporary; our actions have lasting value.

  • The Importance of Our Testimony: Focus on the importance of sharing our faith and the truth of the scriptures.
  • Works Following Us: Explain the concept of our works for Christ being recorded for eternity.
  • Living for Christ: Emphasize dedicating our lives to worship and leading others to Christ.
  • Personal Accountability: Encourage self-reflection on actively living for Christ.

III. SAYINGS That Need To Be Heard (Matthew 21:9)

Spreading the message of salvation is crucial.

  • "Hosanna to the Son of David": Define "Hosanna" and its significance in proclaiming salvation.
  • Jesus Christ: The Only Savior: Emphasize Jesus as the sole path to salvation through faith.
  • Sharing the Gospel: Encourage proclaiming the message of salvation to others.