Things That Happened After Christ Arose From The Dead
By Senior Pastor Dr. Bill Rains | November 5, 2023
Turn with me to Luke 24:1-12. Pardon my tears as we dive into “Things That Happened After Christ Arose From The Dead.” The text says: “Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre… and found the stone rolled away… He is not here, but is risen… Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre…” Let’s pray: Father, thank You for this family day service, for my family here, and every family present. We rejoice that David got saved and was baptized today. Help the unsaved find assurance in Jesus, in His name, Amen.
The Significance of Sunday
The passage begins, “upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning.” This is Sunday—the day Christ rose, marking finished redemption. The crucifixion’s supernatural events—darkness at noon, the temple veil torn, an earthquake—set the stage (Luke 23). Jesus was crucified Wednesday at 9 a.m., buried by 6 p.m., and rose after 6 p.m. Saturday, fulfilling three days and nights (Matthew 12:40). Sunday morning, the women found the tomb empty.
Sunday’s significance is profound. The Old Testament Sabbath (Saturday) commemorated creation; the New Testament Lord’s Day celebrates redemption. Hebrews 9:16-22 says a testament begins with the testator’s death—Christ’s blood ushered in this new era. Yet, I say with a broken heart: America’s desecration of Sunday is a great sin. Once, blue laws kept it holy; now, sports and secularism dominate. There’s a 0.296% chance your child becomes a pro athlete, but a 100% chance we’ll face God’s judgment. Let’s prioritize salvation over ball games.
The Sepulchre Found Empty
The women arrived, “bringing the spices… and found the stone rolled away.” Mark 16:3 reveals their worry: “Who shall roll us away the stone?” It was massive, too heavy for them or even several men. Yet, an angel had rolled it away (Matthew 28:2), and they entered to find Jesus gone. Confusion turned to joy as angels declared, “He is not here, but is risen.”
Here’s the lesson: God does what we can’t. Jeremiah 32:27 asks, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” No! The women couldn’t move the stone, but God did. Some try to earn salvation—impossible. Christ’s finished work rolls away every stumbling block. Others want to serve God but doubt how—I’ve seen stones rolled away in my decades of ministry. Keep going in faith; God will make a way.
Simon Peter’s Foot Race to the Tomb
Finally, “then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre.” The women told the apostles, who dismissed it as “idle tales.” But Peter and John (John 20:3-8) raced to see. John outran Peter, paused at the entrance, and saw the linen clothes and folded napkin. Peter charged inside, marveling at the sight.
Why was the napkin folded? In Jewish custom, a master wadded a napkin to signal he was done, but folded it if he’d return. Jesus discarded the body linens—Calvary’s done—but folded the napkin, saying, “I’m coming back!” He’s not finished with us. Salvation’s complete, but His return is near. Trust Him today—join David and countless others. Confess Him as Savior, as I proudly claim my wife of decades. Will you come to Christ?