
Luke 23:44-56

Things That Happened When Jesus Died On The Cross

By Senior Pastor Dr. Bill Rains | October 29, 2023


Open your Bibles to Luke 23:44-56. Today’s message, “Things That Happened When Jesus Died On The Cross,” reveals awe-inspiring events. The text says: “Darkness over all the earth… Father, into thy hands… a righteous man.” Let’s pray: Father, thank You for this church, our youth, and guests. Help me preach, save the lost, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

After a thief’s salvation at death’s door (Luke 23:32-43), we now see supernatural signs, Jesus’ final words, a soldier’s confession, and faithful service at the cross. Four lessons stand out.

Supernatural Events On Crucifixion Day

The text notes, “About the sixth hour… darkness over all the earth… the sun was darkened… the veil of the temple was rent.” From noon to 3 PM, darkness fell—not a gloomy day, but God extinguished the sun’s fire. The temple veil—60 feet high, four inches thick—tore without human hands. Matthew 27 adds an earthquake split rocks, graves opened, and saints rose after Jesus’ resurrection, walking into Jerusalem. These events prove His death and resurrection as history’s most evidenced fact (1 Corinthians 15:6). Who are we to not believe?

The Savior’s Loving Cry From The Cross

“Jesus cried… Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit… he gave up the ghost.” Among His seven utterances, He prayed, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34), showing love amid cruelty. To the thief, He promised paradise (v. 43). For His mother, He ensured care (John 19:26-27). “I thirst” (John 19:28) bore hell’s torment for us. “Why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) marked sin’s weight, yet “It is finished” (John 19:30) sealed salvation. His cries change lives.

A Sinner’s Confession

A centurion, overseeing Jesus’ execution, saw these signs and declared, “Certainly this was a righteous man”—and per Matthew 27:54, “the Son of God.” This rugged soldier’s heart shifted. Recognizing Jesus as Savior transforms us. I was changed as a teen by an old preacher’s words. What became of this man? He left the cross different—proof of Christ’s power.

Service Of Faithful Saints

Joseph of Arimathea, a good counselor, opposed Jesus’ death. After the crucifixion, he begged for Jesus’ body, giving his own new tomb (Matthew 27:60). Women from Galilee prepared spices, serving even in despair. In Jerusalem’s darkest days, when many quit, these saints didn’t. Their faithfulness inspires us to serve Jesus through life’s trials. Will you join them by trusting Him today?