
Luke 23:32-43


The Crucifixion Of The Two Malefactors

By Senior Pastor Dr. Bill Rains | October 22, 2023


Turn to Luke 23:32-43. Today’s message, “What Do We Learn From The Crucifixion Of The Two Malefactors,” draws us to Calvary. The text reads: “There were also two other malefactors… Father, forgive them… Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” Let’s pray: Father, thank You for Your Word, this church, and recent salvations. Convict the unsaved, help me preach, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

After the mob chose Barabbas—a murderer—over Jesus, God’s Son, we see generational judgment unfold (Luke 23:1-31). Now, at Golgotha, two criminals hang beside Jesus. Three lessons emerge.

A Calvary For All Of Us

The text says, “Two other malefactors… crucified… one on the right hand, and the other on the left.” Before focusing on Jesus, God highlights these men—showing there’s a Calvary for us all. Sin, our executioner (Romans 5:12), sets a death date we don’t know (Hebrews 9:27). It might be illness, an accident—like a young man I knew who died unsaved—or age. Psalm 90:12 urges us to prepare wisely. Are you ready for your Calvary?

A Character In All Of Us

Both thieves first railed at Jesus (Matthew 27:44), but one changed. He said, “We receive the due reward… this man hath done nothing amiss.” Character—our inner qualities—emerges at death. Some revel in sin; others resist reluctantly, trapped by life’s pressures. I’ve seen it: a man named Speed rejected Christ until his deathbed, then accepted Him. Don’t judge—reach out. God sees our hearts (1 Samuel 16:7) and can save at the last hour.

A Christ For All Of Us

The repentant thief prayed, “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” Jesus replied, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” Christ didn’t turn him away. God wills none to perish (2 Peter 3:9). I’ve seen deathbed salvations—an elderly lady said “yes” to Jesus after my prayer. Romans 6:23 promises eternal life to all who accept Him. Say “yes” to Jesus today—He’s your only hope.