
Luke 21:29-38


- Follow-up to the previous message on the Second Coming of Christ from Luke 21

SIGNS of Summer

- The theme of the message is the second coming of Christ - Jesus uses a parable to help His disciples understand the information about His return - Reference to the blossoming of fig trees and other trees as a sign of approaching summer - Jesus describes the signs that will accurately depict world conditions at the time of His return - The generation witnessing these signs will be the last generation under the current world order - Emphasis on the trustworthiness and permanence of Jesus' words


- Jesus warns against being too caught up in a worldly lifestyle and neglecting God's Word - Caution against being too busy to care about the signs indicating an approaching disaster - Those who ignore God's warnings make the worst decisions and will be taken by surprise

SNARE of Tribulation

- Explanation of the snare as a trap that prevents rescue - Mention of the Tribulation, a worldwide event described by God, lasting until Jesus' return - Those who openly refuse to believe despite hearing the gospel will be caught in this snare

SNATCHING Away of the Saved

- God has a loving plan of escape: the pre-tribulation rapture of the church - Believers who have accepted the gospel and trusted in Christ's sacrifice will be saved - Reference to numerous Scriptures supporting the idea of the rapture before the Tribulation - Describing the rapture as the "blessed hope" for believers (Titus 2:13)


- Urgent question for the listeners: Have they made peace with God and become born-again Christians? - Emphasis on the importance of answering this question for personal rescue from the world's impending events - Encouragement to cry out to God and seek salvation without delay