
Matthew 15:21-29


- Addressing critics of the Bible who question the historical accuracy of the passage - Focus on the teaching lesson against racism and God's character of not showing favoritism

DECISION to Seek Jesus' Help

- Encounter of Jesus and his disciples with a Canaanite woman in Tyre and Sidon - The woman, a gentile, seeks Jesus' mercy for her daughter who is tormented by a demon - Demonstrates faith in Jesus as the Son of David, the promised Messiah for Israel - Her desperation leads her to seek Jesus' help despite their differences

DETERMINATION to Overcome Obstacles

- The woman persists in approaching Jesus, even though he initially does not respond - Disciples request to send her away, believing it is the right thing to do - Jesus states his mission is primarily to the lost sheep of Israel - Woman approaches Jesus, worships him, and pleads for help again - Jesus seemingly dismisses her with the statement about not giving the children's bread to dogs - Despite being denied twice, the woman displays unwavering determination and responds with humility and faith

DAUGHTER is Healed Because of a Mother's Faith

- Jesus acknowledges the woman's great faith and grants her request - Her daughter is healed from that very moment - Jesus uses this encounter to teach his disciples about his love for all and challenge their prejudices - It serves as a lesson about salvation, where all must recognize their unworthiness and humble themselves before God


- Jesus' interaction with the Canaanite woman teaches about overcoming racial biases and the power of faith - Emphasis on the need for humility and recognizing one's unworthiness before God for salvation